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Based on the 2020 Census, North Carolina received a new congressional district - the 14th - which includes the southwestern part of Mecklenburg County and the western and southern parts of Gaston County. Cities include a large part of Charlotte as well as Gastonia, Mount Holly, and Belmont.


We are building the new North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) 14th Congressional District Executive Committee! The NCDP is organized by levels, from the basic neighborhood building block called a "precinct," to the county party executive committees, to the congressional district executive committees, and finally all the way up to the State Executive Committee. For more details, you can check out the NCDP Plan of Organization here.

NC 14th Congressional District boundaries


Welcome to the NC Democratic Party 14th Congressional District! With shared values and spirited optimism, Democrats of Gaston and Mecklenburg counties are joined together in a new venture to lift up and support our next Democratic representative to the United States Congress!


From its valleys and rolling hills to the peak of King’s Pinnacle, Gaston County is named for former Congressman and NC Supreme Court Justice William Gaston, the author of the official state song of North Carolina – “The Old North State.” Carolina! Carolina! Heaven’s blessings attend her!


Dubbed a “Hornet’s Nest” of American patriots during the Revolutionary War, Mecklenburg County is home to Charlotte, North Carolina’s most populous city, and boasts the headquarters of ten Fortune 500 companies. In recent years, Mecklenburg has become one of the most reliably Democratic urban counties in the South. 


The 14th Congressional District presents an exciting opportunity to team up these counties and empower even more North Carolina voters with the good news of the modern Democratic Party and the principles we stand for – “a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American.” 


Kind Regards,

Lisa Ellsworth

Chair, 14th Congressional District

NC Democratic Party


© 2022 - Paid for by the 14th Congressional District Executive Committee

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